Understanding the Hazard Report

Our Hazard Report introduces a cutting-edge set of cybersecurity metrics that equip businesses with both reactive and proactive tools to tackle cyber threats.

Reactive Approach

On the reactive front, we track IP addresses against esteemed blacklist databases like blocklist.de, uceprotect.net, and Spamhaus. Additionally, through advanced algorithms and third-party intelligence, we can spot anonymisers, such as VPNs and proxies. However, it's important to note that this method primarily identifies only those services mentioned on these datasets. As such, it might miss freshly-emerging malicious services, potentially exposing businesses to significant threats.

Understanding Cyber-attacks

Interestingly, the majority of cyber-attacks stem from hosting environments. Attackers typically don't risk their own networks, instead exploiting external resources. Therefore, caution becomes paramount during activities involving data centres or hosting IP addresses, whether you're making online purchases or commenting on blogs.

Proactive Approach

This backdrop paves the way for our proactive solution.

Our state-of-the-art technology evaluates every global IP address to gauge its likelihood of belonging to a hosting environment. The result of this assessment is reflected in our 'hostingLikelihood' data field, which provides a value between 0 to 10. Furthermore, we present a metric to determine if the Autonomous System broadcasting the network is probably a hosting service.


By leveraging the insights from our Hazard Report, businesses can take preemptive actions against threats, safeguarding both themselves and their patrons from the harmful consequences of cyber-attacks.

Contact support

If you have any further queries, feel free to contact our email support on our contact us page .


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